Monday, December 21, 2009

In need of a healing?

I was reading in Matthew 14 today, and thought about something I never had before when I got to vs 34-36. Whenever Jesus would enter a new village people would crowd him, bringing their sick to be healed. It doesn't say that they believed in him, just "they brought their sick to be healed." Some were willing to just touch the hem of his robe.

It made me look at my life to see if I come to Jesus only when I need to be "healed," or am I following him out of love and devotion. I think many times I come to Jesus when I want something from him, and sadly my prayer life reflects this. My prayer is that in addition to receiving things from Jesus that I will give my life in return. Not quite sure how else the Holy Spirit will use this in my life, but it has already caused me to begin to evaluate my walk with Jesus.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Christmas Story - Week 1

I know we are taking a break from small groups, but I still want to give you an opportunity to think about what we learned on Sunday, so here is a little devotional for you to work through.

Herod was a successful, influential ruler. He built impressive structures throughout his lands, and he was a man in control. But when it comes to the Christmas Story, Herod missed the point. When he heard about the baby born in a manger, he felt threatened. When we hear the Christmas Story we usually do not feel threatened, but that is because we have forgotten the danger of the story. We have forgotten that the little baby comes to be the ruler of our lives; He comes to dethrone us.

1. What did you think of the talk this week? What did you hear Jeff say?

2. If you could choose, what would the picture on the cover of your puzzle box look like?

3. How flexible are you when someone asks you to do something that doesn't fit in you puzzle?

4. How do you react when something messes up your picture? (For example: your teacher gives you a grade you feel you don't deserve, your parents won't let you get the car you want, your girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with you)

5. How was Jesus a threat to Herod's puzzle picture?

6. How is Jesus a threat to your puzzle picture?

7. We always focus on the angels and wise men when we tell the Christmas Story. How does it change your perspective of Christmas to look at the manger through Herod's eyes?

8. Herod could not accept this baby in a manger into his life. What is terrible about accepting the baby in a manger as your personal Savior? Can you identify with Herod?

Have you ever read the Christmas Story from the Bible? I want to challenge you to read Luke 1 - 2:40. The leaders will be following up with you on Sunday to ask you what you have learned from it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I was speaking to my Jr. High and High School students on Sunday, and I told them that one day everything we have ever believed, or maybe even doubted a little, will be right before our very eyes. Then I asked this question, it wasn't in my notes, but I asked it: "Have you ever wondered if all this stuff about God, Jesus, and Heaven is real? Have you wondered 'what if when I die, its just over...nothing?'"

Quite a few of the students raised their hands. I have to admit that this thought pops in my head now and then. It isn't a strong thought, and I brush it off, but it's there. Doubt is real, we all have it. It's kind of hard not to when you think about what we believe. The things God does reveal to us in His Word are so lofty and beautiful that it's hard to comprehend, and then there are the things that God doesn't let us know in this life... all of that is fuel for doubt. Even John the Baptist doubted in Matthew 11:3. John told his disciples to go find Jesus and ask him, "Are you the Messiah we've been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?" John baptized Jesus! He saw the Holy Spirit descend on him! He heard the voice of God say, "this is my Son"! How could John be doubting?

Maybe that fact that John was sitting in prison caused him to doubt, who knows. What we do know is that he took his doubts to Jesus to get the answers, and Jesus lovingly answered and comforted John.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Important Things In Life

I was getting my son and daughter ready for school this morning, and out of the blue my daughter says, "Birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are the four most important thing in your life." Now you could dismiss this as the selfishness of a child, because all of these holidays, with the exception of Thanksgiving involve her getting presents or candy. However, she did list Thanksgiving, where she doesn't get anything except for food. Also, she asked me if we could wake up Christmas morning and give each other hugs and kisses before we open presents. I have a feeling that the reason these four things are so important to my daughter has very little to do with the presents and candy, and a lot to do with the time spent with her family.

I learn so much from my children if I just take the time to watch them and listen to them.